Today, I Strike.

Nick Rabb
4 min readDec 6, 2019
A photo from WBUR of the Boston Youth Climate Strike — Sept. 20th, 2019 | Source

The world is slowly waking up. After decades of disinformation lulled us into a dream-filled sleepwalk through life, we finally say, “no more.” As young people lead the charge, shaking us all from our stupor and rightfully demanding a livable future, I will rise with them. I say, “no more.”

For too long, the powerful and wealthy have hidden the truth from the world about the then impending climate crisis that is now gripping us all…



Nick Rabb

PhD candidate in Computer Science and Cognitive Science at Tufts University, organizer w/ Dissenters, MA Peace Action, formerly Sunrise Mvmt. Philosophy nerd.